Tuesday, October 15, 2024

The Kite That Never Landed

That tension between holding on and letting go

I remember the day vividly, the way her smile reached me long before our hearts formally intertwined. There was something captivating about her presence, something that assured me I was hers, and she was mine. Our wedding day was nothing short of perfect. The shlokas echoed through the air, tying us in a knot that felt eternal, while the crowd around us cheered, marking a great milestone in both our lives. But it was more than just a ceremony; it was a promise. Or so I thought.

Relationships, much like kites, are fragile. They soar high, defying the wind, basking in the vastness of the sky. But they are also vulnerable. A gust too strong, a wind too unpredictable, and they tremble. Our bond, too, trembled. At first, it was exhilarating, like the kite catching its first breeze. But soon, the same wind became too cold, too unpredictable, and I could feel the strain.

There was no single moment when things went wrong. It was gradual. Subtle shifts, small misunderstandings, expectations unfulfilled. I wanted her time. I wanted to be with her, console her, help her. Was that too much? I asked myself a thousand times. While I waited for 12 months, could I have waited 6 more? Could I have done more? The what-ifs piled up like heavy stones, weighing down the love I had poured into us.

We tried to keep it together, for the sake of our families, for the sake of appearances. But behind closed doors, the silences grew louder, the distance wider. I wanted to reach out, to hold her, to scream that we could make it, that things could be alright if we just gave it one last try. But I couldn't. She left, quietly, as if all we had meant nothing.

And here I am, still questioning it all. How can you give so much of yourself, invest every emotion, and still end up alone? How is life supposed to be worth it when the very essence of what you believed in slips away? Love, they say, is supposed to be enough. But sometimes, love gets lost in the winds. And just like that kite, our bond came crashing down, leaving me staring at the sky, wondering why.

Is it possible to hold on too tight? Maybe. Or maybe it was never about holding on at all. Maybe it was about letting go when the time was right. But how do you know when that time is? I’m still searching for the answer.

As I sit here today, reflecting on it all, I still hear the echoes of that day, still feel the warmth of her smile. And yet, I also feel the chill of the breeze that tore us apart. It’s strange, isn’t it? To have loved so deeply, only to find yourself questioning the very worth of it all.

#GrowSolid #GrowBetter

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